Halò agus Fàilte dhan làrach-lìn agam. Hello and Welcome to my website.

Please explore the site, view examples of my work and skills, and contact me if you have questions.

A little about me. Personally, I am a (Scots) Gaelic language learner and actively use the language in my daily life as much as possible. Professionally, I am a freelance/contract Instructional Designer and E-Learning Developer, working remotely from home. Previously, I was an IT professional supporting teaching and learning for over 24 years at the University of Tennessee. My hobbies are learning Gaelic (!), pinball, reading, walking, cooking, traveling, playing with my dog, Munkki (who you will meet in another part of the website), and spending time working on projects with my husband.

Mòran taing agus latha math dhuibh! Many thanks and a good day to you!

Andrea M Damewood, PhD